Avoid Hindrance


Opening Text: Hebrews 12:1-2 “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”

The Message:

As a Christian, you should be aware of what Satan is doing. There is obviously a lot happening in the world today. Satan is out there to give you a hard time. However, it is your duty to ensure you keep walking in the spirit so that you do not miss your focus.

In our opening text, the Holy Spirit tells us to throw off everything that would hinder us in the race. Notice this verse does not refer to anything about gently removing things one at a time. Rather, it says to throw them off. If you have ever seen someone who has come in contact with bees, you know they do not stop and consider whether they should remove them, and they certainly do not do so slowly. They make a forceful and firm determination to get those pests away from them. This is because they certainly know the damage and pain that could be inflicted if they do not remove them.

Do you know that anything that is contrary to the Word of God is a hindrance?Yes! It is a hindrance because it tries to make things burdensome for you. It can make you not to be interested in attending church services. Generally, you no longer have interest in spiritual things. This is quite dangerous and regrettable.

The plan of the devil is to slow you down and keep you from reaching your blessings. Be aware of hindrances such as sexual immorality, anger, bad feelings towards others, unholy desires, greed, cursing, slander, adultery, fornication, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, strife, envy, murders and drunkenness etc.

This is why the word encourages us to keep our eyes on Jesus. There are always things trying to slow you down in the work God has asked you to do. You do not seem to be interested in church affairs. You look at the weather and wonder if it is sound for you to attend church services and programs. Papa God wants you to avoid those things that are slowing you down.

Papa God wants you to walk in the spirit. If you walk in the Spirit, you will not do what your flesh asks you to do. Glory!


I love my bible
I am what the word says I am
I will become what the word says I will be
I will go to places the word says I should go
I am shouting out my ‘NO’ to hindrance
I am walking in the spirit 24 hours
I am separating myself from the world
I am desiring the things of God much better
I am casting down every high imagination that tries to exalt itself against God
I am looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith
God bless you

Pastor (Barr) Wilson

God’s Love Church

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